Sunday, September 19, 2010


Here are the twinners! Jeffrey and his mini me.
Marshall loved the swing!

Grandma even got him to go to sleep on it! Marshall loves his Grandma! She was so good with him and took such good care of him while she was here! Thanks MOM!

She even let him play in her sink!

Are you serious? Is it that interesting! This is how we found the boys a lot of the times at the house! Usually they all have their own though!

Grandpa is already teaching Marshall how to play sports. Starting with ping pong!
Marshall's first Quad ride

Corinne and Marshall were so cute! They had a rough start but started to play nice together by the end of the trip!
Would you want Her to cut Your hair?? Just kidding! She didn't have a bobby pin so she had to put her hair like this haha

1 comment:

Mindi said...

Oh- that's a little scary...I need to give you a really amazing picture of me to post next time...if I can find one.