Sunday, February 12, 2012

Scott in 4 months!!

Scott is doing so good!! He is 4 months and just huge and healthy and smiley!
He loves to smile and laugh! He loves his Mommy Daddy and Marshall!
He loves to play with toys!

He rolled over from his back to his stomach on the 5th. (He's been able to roll from his stomach to back for a long time.. it's not as hard)

At his 4 month appointment these were his numbers:
Weight: 15.7 lbs (58 %tile)
Height: 26 (86 %tile)
Head circumf.: 16.7 (76 %tile)

So even though he looks huge.. he is actually pretty average for weight and just pretty tall! He is probably going to be a big kid.. football player maybe!

I had to take a picture of this and luckily he didn't wake up from the flash! He keeps pulling out his pacifier so I gave him his sock monkey to hold! So cute!
Lets compare! Brady vs. Scott.. what do you think?
He definitely has his cheeks, chin, mouth and nose. Brady's ears stick our a little more and eyes are a little different. But you can definitely see it! You can see some Marshall in him too!
And no that's not Tyson it's Gary haha!!

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