Marshall is at this age where he just says the funniest things! Oh my goodness I wish we remembered all of them. He is starting to copy us which is kind of bad but so funny. Like he told Scott to look at this toy and he said, "Scott look at this.. look at this now.. 1.. 2.. 3!" I had to run out of the room laughing!
He is so bossy which again is not good but is just hilarious! He'll tell us to do something "right now!!"
Marshall has a new favorite show: The Brady Bunch! He watches Curious George when I cook dinner and The Brady Bunch is always after so he watches that too. You have to realize that Marshall LOVES Curious George and LOVES helping me cook. So one day he wanted to help me cook and Not watch George. Then as soon as he heard the theme song for Brady Bunch, he wanted to get off the counter and ran to the couch. He sat there through the whole show, which he never does.. sits through an entire show! So funny. I don't know what it is about that show but he sure loves it. He even knows who Peter is!
Marshall got a Superman action figure for Christmas but has no idea who he is or what he can do. But the other day, Brady told him to go to Time Out and he says sternly "No! I'm Superman!"
It's so naughty but so funny! We laugh every time he says that. I'm not sure where he got that from but it must've been from his cousins ha ha!
We just love this kid!