Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pictures taken with Corinne


Natalie said...

Such cuties! He sure is getting long! What a stud-meister.

Mindi said...

Oh my gosh- I still can't get over those pictures!

SHO'NUF said...

He's a stud! but what did you expect? it's in his name. Bowden, Stud. See what I mean? He is very cute, I like the one where he is holding curious george, and smiling...

Jamie said...

Oh, wow. These posts are sooooo great!He is changing so fast! Hey I know this is asking a lot but you should make a cd of pictures and send it to me for tyson's book. when i try to take them off your blog it says they are going to print out blurry....
anyway, loooove the pics!!!!!


Steph Revelli said...

so cute! So how've you been? I haven't talked to you in forever! i wanted to get an update on you guys, where do you live? your baby's so cute!! if you want to email me your address or something, that'd be awesome. i'm trying to update my address book so that by the time christmas card time comes around this year, i'm ready! haha steph.revelli@gmail.com

kaysi van dyke fox said...

oh marshall is so cute!!! at first i thought he totally looked like brady, but now i see so much of you in him!! what a stud!!!

makana said...

that is pretty cute!