Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Our Little Thumper

I've started to call Scott "Thumper" sometimes! He has this weird twitch with his leg. All of a sudden it will just pump a few times really fast.. just like Thumper! Super funny!

Fun at Kangaroo ZOO!

Look at brave little Marshall! I could not believe he was going on this huge slide that I am even a little scared to go down lol.

The last time we came here I had to throw him on the bounce houses with him crying to get him used to it. By the time we left he didn't want to go. This time he ran right in and went on the biggest slide there. His face was hilarious when he came down though. I don't think he expected it to be that fast! He went over and over and over, but a little slower! I was so proud of him!
Coming out of the slide!

Train Birthday Party

My friend Chelsea had a Train Birthday Party for her 2 year old Vance. I just had to post the pictures for ALL to see because it was so cute!

So just to be clear.. Ididn't do anything here!

This was an ice cream bar. The train cars held all the toppings! Cute huh!!
Yes this is a cake! Cool huh! It's wrapped with KitKat bars and topped with M&M's. It was delicious!

Another BYU fan!

Go BYU Cougars!!

Grandma Marshall comes to the Rescue!

My mom or Grandma Marshall to the kids came out to stay with us after Scott was born! It was amazing! She was such a life saver. It helped so much to have her there! She did everything!
Not only did she take care of Marshall and clean the house, she took care of Scott doing everything from feeding, to changing his diapers,...
.. to bathing him! She even woke up with me at night and fed him while I pumped which just saved me! She would let me sleep in a little too.
Because the power was out in Connecticut she stayed even longer which was awesome!

Thanks so much Mom! You are so wonderful! I love you!


We celebrated Halloween twice. On the actual day and one on Saturday at the ward party. Marshall had a fun time going around the cars for Trunk or Treat.
Here are the boys getting ready!
Scott's first Halloween
If you can't tell Marshall is a monkey!
We went around the apartment complex and just figured we'd get a little bit of candy..

..but he got a TON! Even king size candy bars!
He actually understood this year and had so much fun! We still have candy left lol!

Halloween Party

Our friends decided to do another Halloween Party since last years was so good! We missed the Heaps family though! Chelsea made some delicious soup and bread! We had some yummy appetizers and desserts as well! I think the most fun thing for the night was the Mummy Wrapping Contest!

The dads had to wrap the kids up with toilet paper like a mummy. Whoever did it the fastest, won. Here is Brady and Marshall starting. Marshall thought it was so funny. He was totally laughing.
Some of the others kids didn't like it as much haha!
Mummy Marshall
The dads and their mummy kids.
Aaron and James, Brady and Marshall, Nate and Abby, Mike and Karter, Jordan and Vance.
Our sweet babies Scott and Makynlee with Jamie!
The other mom's: Chelsea, Kati and Heidi (all pregnant by the way which you can't even tell)
After the kids were done being mummys they ripped all the toilet paper off and made a huge mess. They were throwing TP everywhere. It was so funny. Brady probably had more fun then any of the kids! This is Marshall throwing a bunch at Brady.

Carving Pumpkins

Our apartment complex had a pumpkin carving contest so we had to make something! We weren't really competing since we didn't have Brady to be there to create a masterpiece (he was out of town for work). But, we still had a good time gutting it and putting a face on! Marshall thought it was so fun! Check it out!

"Punkin Patch"

We had such a blast at the Pumpkin Patch in Pleasant Grove... especially Marshall!
Here is our first Family Picture :)
I was so grossed out because there were spiders and bugs all over the place when we were walking through. I just wanted to get out of there.
But Marshall had a lot of fun! Brady found him this perfect size pumpkin! I think it cost us 25 cents. As soon as we got that, we got back to the hay bail ride and went to the other part of the pumpkin patch.
There were so many fun things to do for toddlers like a petting zoo, catching a pig, pony rides, tractor swings, a hay bail maze, this huge box of corn that Marshall is getting buried in,
a huge slide,
a little train, and the big boys shot corn husks out of a gun that basically looked like a potato gun!

Marshall had such a good time! We will definitely be going again next year!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Marshall adjusting well!!

Marshall thinks its really funny to pump! He tries to do it to himself. The other day he had the bottles off and was just putting the little tubes on his skin. He had little red spots all over his stomach and kept saying "Owie" cause that's what we say.
I try to get the boys to nap at the same time so I can take a nap too. Sometimes it ends up like this... Marshall just passing out on the floor. That's the easier way. Usually Marshall makes it really hard by playing in his room or coming out of his room over and over... and fighting to take a nap!
Marshall has been really excited about going Potty on the Toilet. Well the other day we hadn't seen him in a while. Brady found him striped and on the toilet. He did everything by himself. He moves the stool over to turn on the light, moves it back in front of the toilet, puts his Elmo seat on, gets up and goes, wipes, gets down and flushes the toilet. The only thing he can't do by himself is wash his hands cause he can't reach. I am just waiting a little longer to potty train him though. I don't think I am quite ready!
Crazy Marshall!

He LOVES Scott! He loves him a little too much I think. He loves to help out with everything that I do with him. He has been "changing" Curious Georges diaper and burping him lately since I won't let him do it with Scott. It is really cute how much he likes him.. a little frustrating at times.. but sweet!

Little Scottie

When we got home from the hospital we didn't really know what to do with Scott so we just put him on the bed! Look how tiny he is!
Marshall has a picture just like this one.. with his smashed face and big lips. I love when they sleep like this
Its even better when he sleeps with his hands up in the air haha

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Scott Paul Bowden is HERE!!

Little Scott is here and man is he a sweet heart!!
Here is the story (I will try to keep it brief):

Grandma and Grandpa were gracious enough to watch Marshall so we brought him up to Salt Lake on Wednesday night because I was scheduled to be induced the next day. Luckily we did that because they called and told us to be there by 6 a.m.

So we arrived at the hospital at about 6 a.m. the next day, Thursday October 13th. At about 6:30 I was at a 3 and 80%. I made it pretty dang clear that I wanted my epidural before I got pitocin or before breaking my water. So I did. That all went well! At about 8 I got my epidural and soon after had my water broken. Then they started the pitocin at about 8:30. There was something wrong with the tubing so it didn't start right off.. it took a half hour or more. Around then I was just a 3+. Scott's blood pressure was going down so I was pushed over to one side and had to wear an oxygen mask. At about 10:30 or so I started to feel pressure and feel like I was ready to push. I felt this with Marshall for about 2 hours. It hurt pretty bad but there was nothing they could do because I wasn't to a 10 yet. Anyway.. the nurses left and the contractions/pressure got really bad. I told Brady to call them to ask them to come help me. They weren't going to come in for 10 more minutes. The next contraction (which were about 2 minutes apart) hurt so bad I couldn't help but cry and had to squeeze the bed rail. I told Brady to call the nurses and tell them to get in here RIGHT NOW! I had progressed so fast. I was at a 10, 100%, and ready to go. That is sure what I felt. I thought Scott was going to come out! They pushed me on my back and gave an extra dose which numbed me up to my chest! I had to get through about 15 or 20 minutes more of hard contractions though before the epidural got to my right side again. That was so horrible.

Well, the nurse had me push a couple times just to get Scott to be positioned right and see how fast I was going to go. But, we had to close my legs while we waited for the Doc because Scott was about to pop right out. I probably could've had him at least 30 minutes earlier if the doc was there. So the Doc was doing something down there and never told me to push. Then all of a sudden Scott was out and I was so confused! He just gently pulled him out. He was so ready. He did have the cord wrapped around his neck but the Doc just twisted him a little and got that right off. He was born at 11:31 at 7lbs 6 oz and 20.5 inches. I could've done without feeling the contractions, that is for sure. But, it went really well and pretty dang fast.. especially for an induction. Brady did great! He didn't pass out and was able to cut the cord again!


A little wiped off.
He still looks pretty close to this but a little older! We need to get some pictures with his eyes open.

I love that his toes are like little dots!
Marshall had so much fun a Grandma and Grandpa Marshall's! They took really good care of him! Thanks again for doing that!

They really spoiled him and played with him the whole time.
Grandpa even took him to the park!
Marshall was so funny when he came to the hospital. I think he was just thinking he didn't know where he was and then all of a sudden he sees his mom and dad. He just had this confused look on his face for a while. Even after coming and saying hi to us. It was hilarious!
Scott gave Marshall a train!
Great Grandma and Grandpa Marshall with Scott!
Marshall's first time holding Scott! He did so good! He really likes him! He is pretty gentle with him most if the time. It is really cute!
We are so excited that Scott is finally here! He is so far a pretty good baby and is just a sweet heart! We love him so much!